Making room for the public intellectual
Stage 1: Predesign
Stage 1 is devoted to investigating the contextyal, spatial, environmental,political and programmatic requirements and conditions of the project and producting a reverse brief. Complex projects require rigorous research at the outset to ensure that the conditions of the project are understood before concepts are put in place. Inevitable, some of this research occur by testing various conceptual ideas against the existing conditions to raise issues and highlight problems and oppotunities.
Site: Civic Square
Buildings: City Gallery, Capital E, Michael Fowler centre, Old town hall, Council Chambers, Public library
1. Micro - conditions
a. 3D computer model and 2D existing drawings
b. Exsiting sturcture, ordering systems, existing architectual language
c. Primary circulation routes, capacities, neighbouring infrastructure
2. Macro - conditions
a. Contemporary design issues
b. The role public intellectual
c Music and performance in the city

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